The Selection Committee has come up with this selection of 30 from the 142 Norwegian shorts that were submitted. The Norwegian Competition is screened in four
parts on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
The directors are presented at the beginning of each screening. Afterwards, they get the opportunity to talk about their film in Meet the Filmmakers.
The films compete for a specific Norwegian Award, and also compete for the awards in the Nordic section. The Award Ceremony is due Sunday evening.
Best Norwegian Film:
A diploma and NOK 5.000 donated by Minimalen Best Norwegian Prerunner:
Trondheim kino will select one film to be screened before a feature film for
one month. Max runtime 5 minutes, regional productions will be preferred.
Categories: Ani = Animation, Doc = Documentary, Exp = Experimental, Fic = Fiction, Mus = Music
Countries: ES = Spain, NO = Norway, UK = United Kingdom
Del 1 Onsdag/Wednesday 16:00
NO 2012 | Fic. | 26 min
Directors: Martin Lund,
Guro Bruusgaard,
Eyde Jacobsen,
Magnus Mork
En gutt instrueres i å framføre en sang. En skuespiller på casting til en hovedrolle. To gutter som lager en YouTubevideo. Et maktspill mellom to brødre. Fire situasjoner i grenselandet mellom fiksjon og virkelighet.
A boy is instructed in how to perform a song. An actor at a
casting call for a main part. Two boys making a YouTube video.
A power play between two brothers. Four situations on the borderlines between fiction and reality.
Script: Martin Lund, Katja Eyde Jacobsen, Guro Bruusgaard, Magnus Mork, Fijona Jonuzi | Camera: Øystein Mamen, Morten Forsberg, Marte Vold | Sound: Gunn Tove Grønsberg | Editing: Ida Kolstø
Gjennom farger og former inspirert av hulemalerier utforskes
forholdet mellom musikk og kunst.
Using shape and colour inspired by cave art, the film explores
the relationship between music and art.
Animation: Louise Beer | Sound: Paul Tristram | Music: Sean Briers, Andreas Blasphonic, Luke Stark | Editing: Louise Beer
Production: Louise Beer, t: +447762877947, e:
Contact: Louise Beer, t: +447762877947, e:
NO 2012 | Fic. | 23 min
Director: Aasne Vaa Greibrokk
TIL DEN DET MÅTTE ANGÅ (To Whom it May Concern )
Vi hadde tre regler: 1. Vi skal ikke vite noe om hverandre.
2. Vi møtes første fredag i måneden, i et år. 3. Når det er slutt
så er det slutt for alltid. Vi ses aldri igjen.
We had three rules: 1. We will not know anything about each
other. 2. We will meet the first Friday of every month, for a year.
3. When it is over it is over forever. We will never see each other
Script: Tomas Solli | Camera: Torkel Riise Svenson | Sound: AK Schille | Editing: Bjørnar Thyholdt
Production: Ragna Midtgard for Den norske filmskolen, t: 97657359, e:
Contact: Ragna Midtgard, t: 97657359, e:
NO 2012 | Fic. | 6 min
Director: Hanna Fauske
Det går da an å klø med den ene hånda og drikke brus med
den andre?
It's possible to scratch with one hand and drink soda with the
other, isn't it?
Script: Hanna Fauske | Camera: Hanna Fauske | Sound: Sunniva Melhus | Music: Hanna Fauske, Bert Chan | Editing: Hanna Fauske
Production: Hanna Fauske, t: 45255279, e:
Contact: Hanna Fauske, t: 45255279, e:
NO 2012 | Fic. | 7 min
Director: Matilda Höög
To barndomsvenner sitter og drikker. De snakker om hvordan
visse forandringer kommer til å påvirke forholdet deres.
Two childhood friends sit and drink. They talk about certain coming changes and how these changes will affect their relationship.
(Things That Happened on the 9th of March )
Seks hendelser som ville gått upåaktet hen hvis ikke
kameraet hadde vært til stede.
Six events that would go unnoticed had they not been observed
by the camera.
Camera: Tommy Eggen | Sound: Jon Eid, Andreas
Holskil | Editing: Tommy Eggen
Production: Oscar Udbye, t: 90107911,
Contact: Oscar Udbye, t: 90107911,
NO 2012 | Fic. | 5 min
Director: Tobias Asplin
"Jeg måtte prøve... Kroppene våre var jo skapt for hverandre..."
"I had to try… Our bodies were after all made for one
Script: Tobias Asplin | Camera: Anders Hoft | Sound:
Tobias Asplin | Music: Johan H Friis |
Editing: Tobias Asplin
NO 2012 | Fic. | 16 min
Director: Henrik Martin K. Dahlsbakken
MANNEN FRA ISØDET (The Devil 's Ballroom)
En fryktløs polfarer må ta et vanskelig valg.
A fearless polar explorer is forced to make an impossible
Script: Henrik Martin K. Dahlsbakken | Camera: Janne
Lindgren | Sound: Fanny Wadman, Haakon Lammetun
Music: Magnus Murel
| Editing: Rolf Thomas Løvig, Siv Eberholst
Production: Henrik Martin K. Dahlsbakken, t: 90610684,
Contact: Henrik Martin K. Dahlsbakken, t: 90610684,
NO 2012 | Fic. | 5 min
Directors: Håkon Anton Olavsen,
Torjus Hembre Singstad
INN I VARMEN (It's warmer inside)
En tyv bryter seg inn i et tomt hus. Der blir han værende
i en uke.
A thief breaks into an empty house and ends up staying for
a week.
Camera: Petter Aaberg | Cast: Jakob Berg
Production: Håkon Anton Olavsen, t: 48869959,
Contact: Håkon Anton Olavsen, t: 48869959, e:
NO 2012 | Exp. | 3 min
Director: Stefan Brunvatne
Gjennom stillbilder og musikk fortelles en historie om lengsel
og håp.
A story of longing and hope is told through still images and
Production: Stefan Brunvatne, t: 92484152, e:
Contact: Stefan Brunvatne, t: 92484152, e:
NL, NO 2011 | Fic. | 10 min
Director: Tallulah Schwab
THE FIRST CUT (De eerste snee)
Et avgjørende øyeblikk i livet til en ung kirurg.
A decisive moment in the life of a young surgeon.
Script: Cecilie Levy | Camera: Menno Westendorp |
Sound: Peter Flamman | Music: Fons Merkies| Editing: Job ter Burg
NO 2012 | Fic. | 25 min
Director: Liv Karin Dahlstrøm
Rolf er sjalu på den nye kollegaen til kona. I stedet for å si fra
til henne, vrir han på sannheten slik at også hun skal få føle
på det å være sjalu.
Rolf is afraid of losing his wife to her new colleague. Instead of
articulating his jealousy he twists the truth so that she too will
know what jealousy feels like.
NO 2012 | Fic. | 15 min
Director: Camilla Figenschou
Å ÅPNE, Å SE (To Open , To See)
En barneflokk blir tatt med på utflukt til en strand. Mens de er utenfor den voksnes oppmerksomhet kommer de over
en strandet nise. Den er død. De åpner den.
A group of children are taken on a trip to the beach. While they are out of the adults' sight, they stumble upon a beached porpoise. It is dead. They open it up.
NO 2012 | Fic. | 7 min
Directors: Astrid Thorvaldsen,
Ingvild Dagestad
Et øyeblikk.
A moment in time.
Script: Astrid Thorvaldsen, Ingvild Dagestad |
Camera: Thomas Lind, Eli Nygård | Sound: Eli Nygård, Daniel Eriksen | Music: Kris Peak, Erlend Ose
Editing: Astrid Thorvaldsen, Ingvild Dagestad
A journey through Oslo a summer night in June 2011.
Script: Lasse Gretland, Jørgen Gjærum, Frank Undheim |
Camera: Kristoffer Archetti | Sound: Ali Parandian |
Music: Ali Parandian | Editing: Kristoffer Archetti
Production: Henrik J. Henriksen
Contact: Lasse Gretland, t: 91828713,
NO 2012 | Ani. | 4 min
Director: Arne Wormdal
En liten fortelling om å bryte ut fra livet man lever og å
strekke seg etter drømmene sine.
A short story about breaking free from the constraints of your
life and reaching for your dreams.
Production: Arne Wormdal, t: 47236711, e:
Contact: Arne Wormdal, t: 47236711, e:
NO 2012 | Fic. | 25 min
Director: Izer Aliu
Det eneste 12-åringen Isa vil er at faren ser ham som en
mann. Når Isa mister et av familiens lam, må han og lillebroren
adlyde fars ordre om å finne og bringe det tilbake. På toppen av fjellet havner Isa i et dilemma. Skal han være mann og lojal mot de plikter han er pålagt, eller følge sin egen oppfatning av rett og galt?
The only thing 12-year-old Isa wants is his father to regard him
as a man. When Isa loses one of the family's lambs, he and his
little brother must obey their father's order to find and bring it
back. At the top of the mountain Isa is caught in a dilemma: Is
he to be a man, loyal to the duties laid upon him, or shall he
follow his own opinion of right and wrong?
Script: Tor Hubro Stene | Camera: John-Erling
Holmenes Fredriksen | Sound: Jesper Miller | Editing: Alline de Almeida
Production: Elisabeth Kvithyll for Den norske Filmskole,
t: 40328943, e:
Contact: Elisabeth Kvithyll, t: 40328943, e:
En kassett med opptak av fars stemme er som et ekko fra fortiden.
En historie om barndom og oppvekst, akkompagnert av musikken til Timothy Blackman.
A cassette with recordings of Father's voice is like an echo from the past. A story of childhood and growing up, accompanied with music by Timothy Blackman.
NO 2012 | Fic. | 24 min
Director: Daniel Bianchini Rodriguez
Leon sørger over tapt kjærlighet. Vi blir med ham på en indre og ytre reise gjennom sorgen over å miste en man elsker.
Leon mourns lost love. We join him on an inner and outer journey through the grief of losing someone you love.
Camera: Anders Hoft | Editing: Daniel Bianchini Rodriguez
Production: Nordland Kunst- og Filmfagskole,
t: 76066360, e:
Contact: Daniel Bianchini Rodriguez, t: 93697635,
SE, NO 2012 | Ani. | 11 min
Directors: Anna Mantzaris, Eirik Grønmo Bjørnsen
En mann som er redd for mennesker forfølges av en nysgjerrig
og klumsete skapning. Mannen forsøker å slippe
unna, uvitende om at skapningen prøver å hjelpe…
A man with social phobia is followed around by a curious and clumsy creature. The man tries to escape, unaware that the creature is trying to help him...
Animation: Anna Mantzaris, Eirik Grønmo Bjørnsen
| Camera: Anna Mantzaris, Eirik Grønmo Bjørnsen |
Sound: André Parklind | Music: Philip Brookes
Production: Andres Mänd, t: 97782901,
Contact: Anna Mantzaris, t: +46709419156,
NO 2012 | Fic. | 4 min
Director: Kjetil Hopland
En gammel mann klarer ikke lenger å ta vare på seg selv.
Datteren tar kontakt med Statens Eldretilsyn.
An old man can no longer look after himself. His daughter contacts
the Norwegian Board of Health Supervision for the Elderly.
Script: Thomas Lind, Kjetil Hopland | Camera: Thomas
Lind | Sound: Kristian Kilhus Lindstrom |
Editing: Thomas Lind, Kjetil Hopland
Production: Prosjektor Filmproduksjon / Erik Mikkelsen,
t: 98650153, e:
Contact: Erik Mikkelsen, t: 98650153,
NO 2011 | Fic. | 22 min
Director: Vibeke Heide
OG LEKEN ER GOD (And the Going Is Good)
Tre fortellinger om stolthet og makt, og om å gi seg mens
leken er god.
Three stories about pride, power, and quitting while the going
is good.
Camera: Marte Vold | Sound: Andreas Revheim | Music: Anne Lise Frøkedal |
Editing: Astrid Skumsrud Johansen